Your credit score can greatly affect your acceptance rates when applying for loans. A comprehensive and affordable car loan is a major factor that can significantly affect the vehicle you buy. Here at Lindsay Dodge, we want to help you afford the car of your dreams from our new inventory. That is why we have outlined some top tips to improve your credit score and get better loan approval rates. Keep reading to learn more!
Being on top of your payments is one of the best ways to improve your credit score. Consistently making at least minimum payments on time can keep your payment history in good standing. Try signing up for electronic alerts or auto-pay if you have trouble remembering to pay your loans on time.
Try to stay below your credit limit as much as possible. Borrowing more than the authorized limit on your credit card can lower your credit score. Staying below 35% of your available credit is good practice to remain in good credit standing.
Did you know that every time you apply for a loan or credit card, an inquiry is performed? Inquiries, also known as credit checks, can slightly lower your credit score the more you have them done. Limit the number of credit checks you apply for and get quotes from lenders before accepting a credit score inquiry.
Having a mix of different types of credit can improve your score. As long as you make payments on time, having multiple loans can be beneficial. Various loans include credit cards, car loans, a line of credit, and a mortgage.
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